Being formed by aia’s supporters and fans, ‘aiafam’ is the sincere and beautiful community that aia describes as her family. aiafam is connected through aiafam Discord channel 24/7. aia’s other social media platforms such as her Twitch, Instagram and Twitter accounts are a great way to stay connected to aia. Staying in touch with aiafam members makes aia the happiest artist in the World.
Our aiafam Discord channel is always evolving by taking aiafam members ideas into consideration and has a warm, a very positive and a cozy environment. Our Discord channel contains so many different rooms that appeal to different areas of interests of all of the aiafam members. We are always listening to new ideas and we have room for improvement.
Don’t miss the chance to spend more time with aia and subscribe to our aiafam Discord channel now! You will find the opportunity to make new friends who share the same interests and you will find the opportunity to share your story with aia and other beautiful people. You will come across live broadcasts and live chats and the fact that aia shares everything from her aiafam Discord channel is the most important feature that we have! You will be the first to know about aia’s new projects and announcements.
You should also follow aia’s Twitch channel to watch fun live broadcasts and to meet your other favorite artists spontaneously!Welcome home in advance!